Fall 2024 Subject Notes
Fall 2024 Subject notes are notes for specific course subject codes or global notes. These notes identify general reminders for courses.
- African American Studies (AFAM)
AFAM/AAS/CCS 25 is a cross listed course and may be taught by a faculty member from either the African American Studies or the Chicana and Chicano Studies Department. - Animation & Illustration (ANI)
ANI 179 section 01 and 02 Special Topics: Lighting and Optics. Contact: Kevin.Mannens@391774.com for more information. - Biology (BIOL)
BIOL 21 students can register for any laboratory section and must attend one lab each week (DH 448); the lab is a drop-in type and the open lab times will be announced at the first lecture meeting. - Chicana and Chicano Studies (CCS)
CCS 10A sections 04 and 05 are team taught; students will be graded and evaluated by both Instructors.
CCS/AAS/AFAM 25 is a cross-listed course that may be taught by a faculty member from the African American or Chicana and Chicano Studies Department.
CCS 7/KIN 7 will focus on tecnica, basic footwork and repertoire.
For students that would like to be on a faster learning track, CCS 180 sec 03 (class number 43179) will expand on the repertoire covered in the first hour. Both classes meet back to back on Mondays and Wednesdays in SPXE 178 from 1800-2000.
Students enrolling in CCS/KIN 7 and/or CCS 180 sec 03 will be expected to purchase dance shoes and a practice skirt for faldeo (skirt work); both will be needed by week 3. - Child & Adolescent Development (CHAD)
The ChAD practica, ChAD 158, 159, and 160 are only open to ChAD majors who will be seniors. By the first class meeting, students in ChAD 160 must show proof of a negative TB test that is less than one year old; proof of a current influenza vaccination (fall semester only); and proof of pertussis and measles vaccinations (DtAP & MMR). For each of these practica, Live San fingerprinting clearance is required, please check the ChAD website for details. - Computer Engineering (CMPE)
For both CMPE 195A section 01 and CMPE 195F section 01 students must meet one of the following conditions in order to register: 1) Follow the catalog prior to Fall 2014 OR 2) Follow a more recent catalog that is Fall 2014 or later, but would like to take a 3 units area S and a 3 unit area V course to fulfill your GE area S and V requirement. For both CMPE 195A section 02 and CMPE 195B section 03, you should register for this section, if you are following a recent catalog that is Fall 2014 or later and you will take the following course combination, CMPE 195A/CMPE 195B/ENGR 195A/ ENGR 195B, to fulfill your GE area Sand V requirements. - Chinese (CHIN)
CHIN 1A, CHIN 1B, CHIN 25A or CHIN 25B satisfies GE C2. For students who have prior knowledge of the Chinese language or are unsure about course placement, please take the placement test or talk to the advisor. For advising, please contact Dr. Chunhui Peng, chunhui.peng@391774.com. The placement test could be accessed through this link: http://391774.com/wll/proficiency-exams/index.php - Environmental Studies (ENVS)
If your class location says WSQGRDN, your class will be located in the Environmental Studies Garden. Please contact the department for more details. If enrolling in ENVS 158 section 80, one 2.5 hour in-person meeting is required outside of designated class time to support CommUniverCity 菠菜网lol正规平台's Environmental Education Program in Central San Jose for K-12 students. - Foreign Language Education (FLED)
FLED 380, The Methods of Foreign Language course, provides foreign language credential candidates with a background in second language acquisition theory, knowledge of current methodologies, and strategies for lesson planning and instruction in the target language. FLED 380 is offered ONLY in the FALL Semester.
As a companion to the Phase II/III student teaching experience in the Single Subject Credential Program in French, Japanese, Mandarin, or Spanish, FLED 285 is a seminar that provides teacher candidates support for their student teaching Phase II/III and for the California Teaching Performance Assessment (CalTPA). Prerequisites: EDSC 184X. Co-requisites: FLED 184Y/FLED 184Z. For more information about these courses, contact Dr. Avizia Long at avizia.long@391774.com. Students must obtain add codes prior to the first week of class. - Foreign Language (FORL)
FORL 100W satisfies the 菠菜网lol正规平台 Studies Area Z written communication requirement. Prerequisites: Grade of C or better in ENGL 001 and ENGL 002 or equivalent, passing score on the Writing Skills Test (WST), or successful completion of LLD/ENGL 096S, Completion of Core GE requirements, Upper division standing (at least 56 units completed). For more information, world-languages@391774.com.
FORL 200 Research Projects in Cultural Studies and Languages building on and enhancing academic research and writing techniques begun in 100W. Satisfies Graduate writing requirement (GWAR) + gives 4 units toward Spanish Graduate program (requirement for all Spanish graduate students). Lectures and written assignments in English or Spanish. For more information contact Dr. Fernández at vanessa.fernandez@391774.com. - French (FREN)
FREN 1A, 1B may be used for Core GE (C2) credit. FREN 1A can be taken either in class (Section 01) or completely online (Sections 80 & 99). For more info, Jean-Luc.Desalvo@391774.com. FREN 1B can be taken either in class (Section 01) or as a hybrid first-year, second-semester elementary French course (Section 02 & 99). Assignments and tests are completed online with weekly one hour class meetings on W, 1700-1800. A time conflict memo can be issued to students desiring to take FREN 1A or 1B online or any other French online course but who have a time conflict with another class. For more information, Jean-Luc.Desalvo@391774.com.
FREN 25A grammar review and reading may be used for Core GE (C2) credit. For more info, Jean-Luc.Desalvo@391774.com. Students needing to take FREN 25C, FREN 101B, or FREN 101C or other advanced French courses should contact Jean-Luc. Desalvo@391774.com.
FREN 102B is a completely online 菠菜网lol正规平台 Studies, Area V class in English with an online orientation meeting. For more info, Jean-Luc.Desalvo@391774.com.
FREN 102C Cultural comprehension through literature and film is a fully online course. For more info, Jean-Luc.Desalvo@391774.com.
FREN 110 Phonetics and Grammatical Analysis is a fully online course. For more info, Jean-Luc.Desalvo@391774.com
FREN 132 Business and Professional Communication: develop intercultural competence and oral and written communication in the workplace. For more info, Jean-Luc.Desalvo@391774.com.
FREN 140B Literary and cultural comprehension through literature and film. For more info, Jean-Luc.Desalvo@391774.com.
FREN 160 Masters of French Literature is a fully online course. For more info, Jean-Luc.Desalvo@391774.com.
FREN 170 Grammatical Analysis and Translation is a fully online course. For more info, Jean-Luc.Desalvo@391774.com. - German (GERM)
GERM 1A, GERM 1B, GERM 25A, or GERM 25B fulfill Core GE Area C2. GERM 1A and GERM 1B are the Elementary Level courses for students who want to study German. Courses are designed to introduce the learners to the basics of the German grammar so that the students are able to conduct all-day-life conversations, read simple texts and write short paragraphs on topics studied during the first year.
GERM 25A and GERM 25B are the Intermediate Level courses. The courses' objectives are to go in depth into the grammar and syntax concepts as well as to perform more advanced conversations, read more complex texts and write more about topics and culture studied during the second year. The courses satisfy the GE requirements in C2 area. Contact larissa.chiriaeva@391774.com with questions. - Hebrew (HEBR)
For information, please contact the Department of World Languages and Literatures: world-languages@391774.com. - Italian (ITAL)
ITAL 1A and ITAL 1B are the beginning levels courses for students who wish to learn Italian. ITAL 1A to be offered in Fall and ITAL 1B to be offered in Spring. Course objectives are to introduce the students to the fundamentals of Italian grammar so that after one year of study the student will be able to translate and engage in texts excerpted from Italian songs or opera, rather than literature or newspaper, with only a grammar and dictionary as aids. Contact michele.santamaria@391774.com with questions. - Japanese (JPN)
JPN 1A, JPN 1B, JPN 25A, or JPN 25B (up to two of these courses) may be used for GE credit (Area C2). JPN 102B may be used for 菠菜网lol正规平台 studies (Area V). For details, contact Dr. Kodama-Yanai at 408-924-4592 or yasue.yanai@391774.com, or Dr. Uryu at 408-924-4613 or michiko.uryu@391774.com.
- Microbiology (MICR)
Students registering for MICR 141L must concurrently enroll in MICR 141. - Portuguese (PORT)
PORT 1A and PORT 1B can be used for GE C2 credits. Students interested in the individualized program of study for PORT 1X/Y and PORT 20X/Y must contact the instructor on the first week of classes in CL 412J at 408-924-4022 or duarte.pinheiro@391774.com. Entry into intermediate studies 20A/X requires the equivalent of 1B/Y or permission of the instructor. PORT 102A: Portuguese Culture and PORT102B: Brazilian culture, are taught in English. Oral midterm will be held in person on campus. Contact duarte.pinheiro@391774.com. - Radio-Television-Film (RTVF)
RTVF 22 is an introduction to the fundamentals of radio production, such as pre-production, recording equipment, and editing using music and sound effects to inform and entertain listeners.
RTVF 23 is an introduction to writing, producing, and editing a podcast.
RTVF 163 will teach students techniques of documentary series production for television, such as researching the subject, interviewing participants, writing, and audio/visual nonfiction storytelling.
RTVF 185 Special topic for Fall 2024 is "TV Cartoons and Culture," an analysis of the social and cultural impacts of animated cartoons on U.S. television. Topics will include history of animation, children's programming, primetime cartoons for adults, cartoons in the digital era, and the future of animated programs. - Russian (RUSS)
RUSS 1A and RUSS 1B are the Elementary Level courses for students who wants to learn Russian and get acquainted with Russian culture. The courses fulfill GE requirements in C2 area, RUSS 1A is normally offered in Fall and RUSS1B in Spring semesters. The courses cover Cyrillic script and cursive, pronunciation, simple grammar and sentence structure. Students will explore different aspects of Russian through various language activities such as listening and reading comprehension, writing short essays and carry on simple conversations. By the end of the semester, students will have acquired competence in all four language skills such as listening comprehension, speaking, reading, and writing and should be able to function in many of everyday language situations. For advising please contact Dr. Larissa Chiriaeva larissa.chiriaeva@391774.com. - School of Information (INFO)
Please check the School of Information schedules for specific class details such as specific dates for variable unit classes, Zoom sessions etc. http://ischoolapps.391774.com/gss/ajax/schedule.php?search=1 - Spanish (SPAN)
SPAN 201: Modern Spanish: Introduction to Hispanic Linguistics. For more information, contact Dr. Avizia Long avizia.long@391774.com.
SPAN 4A and 4B are fully online self-paced study Basic Spanish language courses. For information, world-languages@391774.com.
SPAN 1A, SPAN 1B, SPAN 20A, SPAN 20B, SPAN 25A, or SPAN 25B (up to two of these courses) can be used to satisfy Area C2 lower division GE requirements. (Students should take a self-placement quiz offered through the Department of World Languages and Literatures website to determine proper placement in 1st and 2nd year Spanish Classes. Call 408-924-4696 for information).
SPAN 102B section 01 is taught in Spanish; section 02 is taught in English. Students in the Spanish major and minor program must take the section offered in Spanish. All sections of SPAN 102B can be used for 菠菜网lol正规平台 Studies Area V GE credit. Students Registration for SPAN 102B requires a passing score on the WST or successful completion of ENGL 100A or LLD 100A. Spanish Minors and Majors must take 102B in Spanish.
SPAN 132 section 10 taught online are only open to students in the Graduate Program in Library Science. They require consent for the School of Information (formerly SLIS) for registration and are not open to WLL students. - Theatre Arts (TA)
Enrollment in TA 117 sec 01 is for the musical Cabaret, which will be performed in the Hammer Theatre Center. Enrollment in TA 117 sec 02 is for the production of The Thanksgiving Play by Larissa Fasthorse, which will be performed in the Hal Todd Studio Theatre. Enrollment in TA 117 is by audition only; auditions will be during the first and second weeks of the semester. All majors are invited to audition.
The instructor for TA 112 sec 01 (Rehearsal and Performance) will be Nigerian-Irish writer and director Olabisi Adigun.
TA 51A, TA 51B, and TA 51C are prerequisites for TA Majors (TA 51 courses may be taken concurrently).
TA 191 sections are 3-unit courses for F&T production crew members and are repeatable for credit as core requirements and electives; students will participate in approximately 80 hours of production for this course, and all majors are welcome. TA 191 offers flexible hours/work areas and is open to all majors for credit. - Tagalog (TAG)
TAG 1A and TAG 1B may be used for GE credit (Area C2). For advising, please contact Edith Borbon at edith.borbon@391774.com. - Vietnamese (VIET)
VIET 1A, VIET 1B may be used for GE credit (Area C2). VIET1A and VIET1B to be offered in the Fall and Spring respectively. VIET 1B requires the equivalence of VIET 1A or instructor's permission. Both are hybrid courses with weekly three hours in-class meetings and one hour online through the Canvas website. The course emphasis is on reading, writing, and conversation in the context of culture. For advising contact huyen.le@391774.com.